ET or Extra-terrestrial Channelers are people who acts as mediums to convey the information given to them by Alien Species / Gods through Remote Viewing / Meditation / Dream state / Personal Contact. This is also call as "Spirit Channeling". People who channel spirits / Aliens and convey information to public can also be call "Messengers of Gods".
It refers to the process whereby disembodied entities communicate ideas and information through human beings who are either in full waking consciousness or in an altered state. The communicating entities may be deceased persons, gods, angels, extraterrestrials, extradimensional intelligences, “ascended masters” (mystical adepts who have transcended physical existence), nature spirits, and more. In earlier times, channeling was called “revelation,” or “mediumship.” Whatever the name, it is often accompanied by visions of otherworldly entities or unearthly realms. Some channelers believe that through their consciousness alone, they can travel through the universe and into other dimensions.
Extra-terrestrials lets say GODS in our terms have been in contact with humans since time-memorial. From earlier times, Sages, Noah, Prophet Muhammad, modern Saints, etc been chosen by Gods from time-to-time.
The names of ETs / Aliens / Spirits (in italic) given below may not be their real names because spirits can have different names and also they may not like to reveal their true identity due to some reasons. Just like we have different names and different bodies in every Reincarnation, in such as way ETs will have the same because physical bodies are temporary vehicle while Spirit or Soul fragment is Immortal.

Below are consider to be Genuine Contactees who channeled Gods:
1) RA (Marduk) by David Wilcock and Carla Rueckert
2) The Elohim (Annunaki / Sirians) by Daphne Karandanis and Terry Brown. Also by Wynn Free in 2002.
3/ Cassiopaeans by Laura knight , Fred and Paul.
4) Germane - Enki group (Raydia from Arcturus) by Lyssa Royal
5) Harone (Zeta Reticulian Gray) by Lyssa Royal
6) Sasha (Pleiades) by Lyssa Royal
7) Bashar (Essassani Gray from Orion) by Lyssa Royal
8) Seth Material by Jane Roberts
9) Allies of Humanity by Marshall Vian Summers
10) Ennead (Council of 9) by Dr. D.G. Vinod
11) Spectra (Council of Nine) by Uri Geller
12) Tom (council of 9) by Phyllis Schlemmer
13) Masters of Ancient Wisdom simply call as Mahatmas by the Theosophists Helena Blavatsky, Henry S. Olcott, Alfred Percy Sinnett, and others whom inspired the founding of Theosophical Society.
14) Master Morya - White Magician of Atlantis (one of Masters of Ancient Wisdom) by A.P Sinnett & A.O Hume
15) Semjase / Asket (Pleiadian Woman) met by Eduard Albert "Billy Meier"
16) Archangel Metatron (Yahweh) by Moses as in Bible
17) Lord EN.KI / Lord Vishnu (Anunnaki God) met Noah (Svayambhuva Manu / Utnapischitam)
18) Lacerta (Female Reptilian) by Ole K
19) Telosians (remnants of ancient Lemurian civilization) by William Hamilton & Dianne Robbins
20) Vegans by Jefferson Souza (Brazilian Contactee)
21) Khyla (Nordic Procyon - Rigelian) by George Andrews
22) Hank (Tau Cetian) by Oscar whistleblower & Jill Waldport (interviwed by Frank Crawford)
23) abraham by Esther Hicks
24) Adama by Dianne Robbins
25) Orthon (a Venusian) by George Adamski (1952)
26) 3 Aenstrians Caellsan (the senior spacecraft commander), Selorik (an interpreter), and Traellison (the queen of Aenstria) from Home Planet Cantel .by Arthur Shuttlewood
27) Aetherius (from Saturn) by George King - 1954
28) Affa (from Uranus) by George Hunt Williamson - 1952
29) Ahab (Grey) by Darry and Toni M. (1975) at eastern Oregaon
30) Akon (Alpha Centaurian from Planet Meton) by Elizabeth Klarer (6th April 1956), South Africa. She bore him a Son named Ayling.
31) Alpha Zoo Loo (Alpha Centaurian) by Trucker Harry Joe Turner (1979, Virginia)
32) Sol da Naro (Spiritual teacher from Saturn) by Constance Weber (1956)
33) Andolo (a member of the Council of Seven Lights) by Trevor James Constable (!950)
34) Andra-o-leeka and Mondra-o-leeka by Chief Frank Buck Standing Horse, Ottawa Indian from Oklahoma (1959 July)
35) Anoah, associated with the Melchizedek Order of the White Brotherhood by psychic medium Jann Weiss in the 1980s.
36) Artemis (from Planet Miranda) who channeled through Anthony and Lynn Volpe in 1981.
37) Back by Germana Grosso (Italian Woman) in 1970s, visited planet Lioaki.
38) Bartholomew by Mary-Margaret Moore in the mid 1970s, socorro, New Mexico.
39) Bashar by Darry Anka in 1983, California. Bashar has told Anka that he and his people live on the planet Essassani, 500 light years from Earth but in a different dimension.
40) Aura Rhanes (1952 from planet Clarion) by Truman Bethurum.
41) Tero and Dero (Blue-Skinned Beings) inside Blowing Cave near Cushman, Arkansas by George D. Wight in 1966.
42) Bonnie (born in 1951 in the Lemurian city of Telos, located inside an artificial dome-like cavern a mile beneath Mount Shasta on California’s northern border.) by William Hamilton in 1977.
43) Cetaceans (Whales & Dolphins) by Psychic Dianne Robbins.
44) Chief Joseph (1840 - 1894) by John Cali in 1992.
45) Chung Fu (spirit guide who in his last physical incarnation was a student of Lao-Tzu in China.) (!965) by Marshall Lever.
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