
Sunday, July 24, 2022

Seven Kundalini Chakras in Our Body

Chakra is a Sanskrit term that means "wheel of light." Each chakra spins, creating an electromagnetic radiation energy field that surrounds our physical body that is known as the Aura. The chakras are often called lotuses, each petal representing certain constituent energies.

A chakra is always "open," since it is the union of spirit and matter manifested as consciousness. The soul as consciousness pervades and holds its bodies of manifestation together as a cohesive, functional unit through certain focal points. In the Indian tradition, these points or centers of force are called Chakras.

In a person of high spiritual development they are seen to revolve at great speed, and eventually to become spheres of radiant energy. In those of lesser spiritual development, the centers are not so active, giving the impression of saucer-like depressions on the surface of the etheric body. 

The theosophist C. W. Leadbeater places the chakras on the front of the body. Tibetan and Indian literature places them along the cerebrospinal axis. The Master Djwal Khul says that they lie some three inches behind the spinal column.

A chakra is constantly spinning and recycling energy to our aura. Although a chakra may never be closed, it may be blocked. This can lead to energy imbalances and disease.

Chakras may be described as short, swirling, miniature black holes of color from our tailbone to the top of our head, aligned along the spine. They are identical in shape and size.

The main function of the seven chakras is to mediate all energy coming into, within, and leaving our physical body. This distribution mechanism is necessary for our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual functioning.



Body locate

Monitor Domains

Imbalance Symptoms

Root / Muladhara


base of the spine between the sacrum and coccyx, or tailbone (Basal Chakra)

Immune system, our will to live, and our ability to reproduce.

Sexual obsession; aggression, impulsive & reckless behavior; possessiveness, insecurity.

Sacral / Svadhisthana


Spleen chakra is found just above the genitals and below the navel.

Our basic emotions, creativity, the lower digestive tract, the excretory system, the kidneys, adrenal glands, bladder and pancreas. It concerns itself with detoxification of the body.

A lack of vitality; accelerated aging, arrogance, conceit & vanity; antisocial behavior; and a loss of identity.

Solar Plexus /Manipura


Just below the breast bone, at the base of the sternum.

Astral travels, psychic experiences, emotions, stomach, and upper digestive tract.

Timidity & fear in general; anger & rage; isolation; judgmental & dogmatic behavior; feeling deprived of recognition; and aloofness.

Heart / Anahatha


centre of the chest at approximately the level of the heart muscle,
between the ribs and on the sternum.

Thymus gland of immune system, circulatory system, tissue regeneration and right brain functions. Higher love, healing, understanding, and compassion.

Devoid of compassion and morality; asthma; financial and
emotional insecurities, self-doubt; and blaming others.

Throat / Vishuddha


Throat region near the
lower cervical vertebrae.

Centre of communication and clairaudience. Associated with the thyroid, lungs, and organs of the throat and upper chest.

Neurotic obsessions and obesity; authoritarian behavior.

Third Eye / Ajna


Centre of the forehead,
just above the eyebrows.

Deals with intuition, creative visualization, imagination and spiritual vision. Exerts an effect on the pituitary gland and the entire endocrine system,
the immune system, the eyes, ears, and sinuses.

Hallucinations & delusions sleep disorders; eye problems, & hormonal imbalances, impatience & inefficiency, oversensitivity to
the opinions of others, and excessive worrying.

Crown / Sahasrara


top of the head, and functions as an inlet for and link with spiritual energies.

Receive spiritual energy from cosmic sources.

Intense erotic fantasies; feeling misunderstood, shameful, and expressing a low self-image; an inability to maintain relationships; self-denial; and an excessive need for sympathy.

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