
Saturday, May 14, 2022

Insomnia – Homeopathic remedies for Sleeplessness

 Homeopathic medicines are the most natural form of treating disorders and there’s remedy for every kind of sleeping disorder. Homeopathy improves the ability of the mind and body to handle stress effectively.

Homeopathy is absolutely safe and free from any side-effects. With the regular use of homeopathic medicines, the need for sleeping pills may reduce. 

Insomnia affects two-third of population worldwide, who find difficult to sleep due to various stress levels in personal life as exact cause is unknown.

There are likely to be several contributing factors, such as Anxiety, work-related stress, depression, loss of purpose, strong emotions.

Some of the commonly prescribed homeopathic medicines for sleeplessness are Coffea Cruda, Nux Vomica, Passiflora Incarnata, Kali Phosphoricum, Phosphorus, Silica, Sulphur, Ignatia, Staphisagria, etc.



Coffea cruda

calm a restless mind, slow down over-flowingoveractive thoughts and help promote night sleep.

Nux vomica

relieves irritability, sleeplessness at 3 a.m., and digestive troubles associated with overindulgence in food, tobacco or alcohol.


for nervous people with low stamina who get too tired.


helpful if insomnia comes from itching—or an increasing feeling of heat in bed, especially in the feet.


relieve physical symptoms, sleeplessness and irritability caused by grief, repressed anger or vexation.

Aconitum apellus

helpful if a person panics with insomnia. Fear and agitation come on suddenly when the person is drifting off to sleep.

Arnica montana

relieves pain and restless sleep from muscle overexertion.

Arsenicum album

very restless sleep with fearful dreams of robbers, thieves or stealing.


well-suited to worn-out people who care for others and work night-shifts. There can be an irresistible inclination to sleep in the morning with spasmodic yawning.

Kali phosphoricum

arise due to causes such as worrying, over thinking or being too excited about something.


person feels drowsy after meals, but has trouble sleeping at bedtime.

Zincum metallicum

wound up from overwork—or be naturally inclined toward nervousness and just have trouble relaxing. Their legs and arms often feel extremely restless, and lying still in bed may be impossible.


when sleeping disorder or sleeplessness occurs on account of prolapse of the uterus.


when a patient cannot sleep because the brain gets overcrowded with different sorts of pleasant ideas and thoughts. This is common in little babies who wake up in the middle of the night and start playing.

Mag Carb

 occur due to abdominal problems, uneasiness and from a sense of great internal fear within the patient.

Muriatic Acid

patient is unable to sleep in spite of feeling sleepy.

Calcarea phosphorica

helpful to children with growing pains, and also to adults who have aching in the joints and bones, or neck and shoulder tension that make it hard to fall asleep.


Sleeplessness during night time because of dry heat conditions. The affected person is unable to rest in a fixed posture.

Ferrum Met

people who are able to sleep only by changing the beds position heading towards the North.


 cures patients who are light sleepers.

Arnica Mont

person cannot sleep because of extreme exertion of the body and mind.

Hyoscamus niger

over-active children who wake up frightened from imaginary fears or visions. They may wake with convulsions and there can be loud moaning with sleep-talking & grinding the teeth.

Papaver somniferum

insomnia from slight noises, where the bed feels too hot and there is moaning and jerking of limbs in sleep.


sleep is light with frequent and easy waking, tossing & turning, groans & sighs, starts & fright.

Valeriana officinalis

Sleepless with nightly itching and muscular spasms from excitement, worse on waking.


Drowsiness during the day, and early in the evening but then difficulty in falling asleep at night.  good remedy for bed-wetting in children.

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