
Showing posts with label SCIENTIFIC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SCIENTIFIC. Show all posts

Monday, January 16, 2023

Medicines essential at Home

Our physical body is prone to attacks of all kinds of bacteria and viruses.  Its difficult for us to visit doctor every-time we fall sick. So, better to keep tablets or ointments in stock at our home.

Saturday, May 14, 2022

Insomnia – Homeopathic remedies for Sleeplessness

 Homeopathic medicines are the most natural form of treating disorders and there’s remedy for every kind of sleeping disorder. Homeopathy improves the ability of the mind and body to handle stress effectively.

Homeopathy is absolutely safe and free from any side-effects. With the regular use of homeopathic medicines, the need for sleeping pills may reduce. 

Insomnia affects two-third of population worldwide, who find difficult to sleep due to various stress levels in personal life as exact cause is unknown.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

VARMAM - Therapy to ailments caused to Nerve-centres of the body

Hundreds of Life-centres of the human body lie dormant within bones, nerves, veins, muscles, joints and inner organs are found either deep or at the surface of the body.

Varma Medical sciences deals with the presence of various Life-centres (Nerve-centres) of the body and the ill-effects produced, if these centres were traumatized. 
Image result for varmamIn short, Varmam are vital points in the body that act as energy transformers (or) batteries.
It is said that the Siddhas, who had the blessings of Lord Shiva taught this science to the people for their well-being.  This medical science deals with the multifarious techniques by using Retrieval and Massage methods, medicines and gadgets.
Different types of alternative medicines have been thriving in India for Centuries. Varman is a special Indian Medical science, mainly used to treat ailments caused by impacts to Nerve-centres. Study of Varmam is called ‘Thanuology’.  It can cure not only outward, physical ailments but inward, non-physical too.

6 Impossible Technologies that could be Invented

In timely generation, we see that the study of the impossible has opened up entirely new vistas, pushing the boundaries of physics and chemistry and forcing scientists to redefine what they mean by “impossible.”
As Sir William Osier once said, “The philosophies of one age have become the absurdities of the next, and the foolishness of yesterday has become the wisdom of tomorrow.”
The serious study of the impossible has frequently opened up rich and entirely unexpected domains of science. For example, over the centuries the frustrating and futile search for a “perpetual motion machine” led physicists to conclude that such a machine was impossible, forcing them to postulate the conservation of energy and the three laws of thermodynamics.
Studying the impossible may have also changed the course of world history. In the 1930s it was widely believed, even by Einstein, that an atomic bomb was “impossible.” Physicists knew that there was a tremendous amount of energy locked deep inside the atom’s nucleus, according to Einstein’s equation E = mc2 , but the energy released by a single nucleus was too insignificant to consider.
Below discussed technologies sit at the very edge of our understanding of the physical world. If they are possible at all, they might be realized on a scale of millennia to millions of years in the future.