How many of you heard about 7 layers [Main ones although says many] of Aura which are connected to the 7 main chakras in the Human Body?
The Aura is comprised of many different colors. Auras do comes in all shapes and sizes. The Aura surrounds the entire body on different lays encompass a radius of 3 to 20 feet. It is the energy and essence of life.
1) First Layer: Etheric Layer
Chakra: Muladhara [Root]
Color: Red
Planet: Mars
Mantra: LAM
Spans (or Spreads) Distance: Half to 2 inches from Skin.
Relates: Condition and Health of Physical Body. All forms of Manifestation rise here.
2) Second Layer: Emotional Layer
Chakra: Swadhistana [Sacral]
Color: Orange
Planet: Mercury
Mantra: VAM
Spans: 2 to 4 inches in the shape of Oval
Stores: Fear, Emotional pains, Anxiety, Resentment and Loneliness
3) Third Layer: Mental Layer
Chakra: Manipura [Solar]
Color: Yellow
Planet: Jupiter
Mantra: RAM
Spans: 4 to 8 inches
Stores: Our Consciousness, Logical Process, Ideas, Intellect and Belief system.
It is the seat of Soul in our Physical Body - connection to our higher self and our spiritual being.
4) Fourth Layer: Astral Bridge Layer
Chakra: Anahata [Heart]
Color: Green
Planet: Mercury
Mantra: YUM
Spans: 8 to 12 inches
Stores: Well-Being, Our Sense of Love, Expansion and Life Balance.
This is Window to our Spiritual nature. It balances us and keeps us centered.
5) Fifth Layer: Etheric Template Layer
Chakra: Vishuddha [Throat]
Color: Light Blue
Planet: Saturn
Mantra: HUM
Span: 1 to 2 Feet
Stores: Sound, Vibration, Communication and Creativity.
This Aura serves as carbon copy of the Physical body in the Spiritual plane.
6) Sixth Layer: Celestial Layer
Chakra: Ajna [Third Eye]
Color: Indigo
Planet: Sun
Mantra: AUM
Span: 2 to 4 Feet
Stores: Memories, Dreams, Spiritual Awareness, Trust, Honesty and Unconditional Love.
It helps tune us in to the unseen world around us.
7) Seventh Layer: Ketheric Template Layer or Casual Layer
Chakra: Sahasrara [Crown]
Color: Violet
Planet: Ketu
Span: 3 to 5 Feet
This layer contains the Blue Print of our Spiritual Path. This layer is linked to God or Source or Creator or All that is - within each Individual. Remind us of our Divine Powers.
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