
Friday, November 22, 2019

Powerful Opposite Forces of Nature

I am not here to mention Good and Bad because they inter-exchange places based upon attitude of Human perception. Below are just like Antonyms of Powerful forces exist around the Universes.

What we see Good in Others in-time reflect Bad to us , because the change in our needs and thinking process.

Image result for gods vs demonsThere is a saying that Opposite Forces attract each other , but forces below never meant to attract , always in constant War [lets say Cold War] towards each other.

Versus [Vs.]

1) Gods Vs Demons [Devils]

2) Allies (U.S., Britain, France, USSR, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Denmark, Greece, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, South Africa, Yugoslavia) 
Axis powers (Germany, Italy, Japan, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria) in World War II (1939–1945).

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Psychic abilities One can Unlock

Our Human Brain has ability to do multiple things and also has the capacity to store 2.5 Penta Bytes (PB) of Memory Data.

All we have to do and know our capabilities by doing Meditation and other Spiritual practices.

Earth, Meditation, World, Relaxation, Sunset, Keep

1) Telepathy [ transmission of information i.e communication of thoughts from one person to another without using any known human sensory channels or physical interaction. The term was coined in 1882 by the classical scholar Frederic W. H. ].

2) Telekinesis or Psychokinesis [Ability to move Objects without Physical touch i.e through Mind]

3) Pyrokinesis [psychic ability allowing a person to create and control fire with the mind]

4) Neural Manipulation - Energy Beams

5) Supernatural Strength & Control

6) Hypnosis [Mind to Mind communication]

7) Channeling and Mediumship

Monday, November 11, 2019

A Quick Glance on GST of India

GST popularly known as Goods and Service Tax is a major step towards the country’s economic reform and a multi-stage destination-based tax that will be levied on every valued addition.
GST remarked as “Good and Simple Tax” by our Prime Minister Narendra Modi is the India’s most ambitious tax reform since independence launched by BJP government at the stroke of midnight of Friday (30th June) which is going to applicable from 1st July, 2017 in all over India.
The Government has opted for 4 broad slabs for both Goods & Services – 5%, 12%, 18% and 28% apart from several items faces Zero levy.
With the launch of GST, the following taxes are subsumed (replaced) at both the Central and State level:
  1. Central Excise Duty,
  2. Service Tax,
  3. Customs Duty,
  4. State Value Added Tax,
  5. Entertainment Tax,
  6. Purchase Tax,
  7. Luxury Tax,
  8. Taxes on Lottery, Betting and Gambling.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Universe or Multiverse in Cosmos

According to, There are seven super-universes in the grand universe, and they are constituted approximately as follows:

The Universe where we are living is called "Nebadon" which is within Super-Universe called as " Orvonton".

It is said that Our Universe is quiet young compare to other Universes which is few Billion years old.

History in developing “C” Programming Language

C is an imperative procedural high-level language that was originally developed by Dennis M. Ritchie to develop the UNIX operating system at Bell Labs. C was originally first implemented on the DEC PDP-11 computer in 1972.
1960 — ALGOL-60 language came through but it was got failed.
1963 — at Cambridge (UK), CPL ( Combined Programming Language) existed but got failed because it is too big language hard to learn and difficult to write program.
1967 — Martin Richards (from Cambridge) written BCPL (Basic Combined Programming Language) got failed due to too less powerful.
1970 — Ken Thompson written ‘B’ Language at AT&T (American Telephone & Telegraph) Bell Labs got failed because as same as ALGOL.
1972 — Dennis Ritchie written ‘C’ Language at AT&T Bell labs.
1973 — UNIX OS was totally written in ‘C’.
1978 — Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie published the first edition of The C Programming Language.
1983 — American National Standards Institute (ANSI) formed a committee, X3J11, to establish a standard specification of C. X3J11 based the ‘C ‘ standard on the Unix implementation.
1990 — ANSI C standard (with formatting changes) was adopted by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) as ISO/IEC 9899:1990, which is sometimes called C90.
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(i) Flexibility; (ii) Portability and (iii) Modular approach.
(i) Flexibility:
a) Freedom– ‘C’ allows lot of freedom to the programmer in developing the program. The rules and regulation of ‘C’ may not be followed compulsorily whereas the other languages such as C++, COBOL, JAVA, etc… are strictly followed.
b) Data Conversion– In ‘C’, conversion from one data type value to another data type value is simple and automatically converted.               g :-   Char ¬ Int; Int ¬ Char; Int ¬ Float; Float ¬ Int.
c) Low-level functions– ‘C’ language provides alot of low-level functions using which complex mathematical operations can be performed easily. Programs can be written faster.   g:- Sqrt ( ), Pow ( ).
(ii) Portability:  A program written in one computer, it executes in another computer even though there is a difference in Hardware (or) O.S. This feature is known as “Portability “. That’s why ‘C’ is popular.
(iii) Modular Approach:  Dividing the large complex program into small parts which divided into sub-parts as Divider and Conquer method. In ‘C’ , functions are used to implement the modular approach.

VARMAM - Therapy to ailments caused to Nerve-centres of the body

Hundreds of Life-centres of the human body lie dormant within bones, nerves, veins, muscles, joints and inner organs are found either deep or at the surface of the body.

Varma Medical sciences deals with the presence of various Life-centres (Nerve-centres) of the body and the ill-effects produced, if these centres were traumatized. 
Image result for varmamIn short, Varmam are vital points in the body that act as energy transformers (or) batteries.
It is said that the Siddhas, who had the blessings of Lord Shiva taught this science to the people for their well-being.  This medical science deals with the multifarious techniques by using Retrieval and Massage methods, medicines and gadgets.
Different types of alternative medicines have been thriving in India for Centuries. Varman is a special Indian Medical science, mainly used to treat ailments caused by impacts to Nerve-centres. Study of Varmam is called ‘Thanuology’.  It can cure not only outward, physical ailments but inward, non-physical too.

6 Impossible Technologies that could be Invented

In timely generation, we see that the study of the impossible has opened up entirely new vistas, pushing the boundaries of physics and chemistry and forcing scientists to redefine what they mean by “impossible.”
As Sir William Osier once said, “The philosophies of one age have become the absurdities of the next, and the foolishness of yesterday has become the wisdom of tomorrow.”
The serious study of the impossible has frequently opened up rich and entirely unexpected domains of science. For example, over the centuries the frustrating and futile search for a “perpetual motion machine” led physicists to conclude that such a machine was impossible, forcing them to postulate the conservation of energy and the three laws of thermodynamics.
Studying the impossible may have also changed the course of world history. In the 1930s it was widely believed, even by Einstein, that an atomic bomb was “impossible.” Physicists knew that there was a tremendous amount of energy locked deep inside the atom’s nucleus, according to Einstein’s equation E = mc2 , but the energy released by a single nucleus was too insignificant to consider.
Below discussed technologies sit at the very edge of our understanding of the physical world. If they are possible at all, they might be realized on a scale of millennia to millions of years in the future.

Characteristics of the Human Soul (Aatma)

A Soul can be call with different names. Most popular synonyms for SOUL are Aatma [in Sanskrit], Nirvana, Spirit, Ghost, Alma [in Spanish], Ariel [in Hebrew], Nephesh [in Old Testament], Psuche [in New Testament], Psyche [in Greek], Rei (in Japanese) and Angel.
As all Souls are Immortals because a soul can neither be created nor destroyed, so we literally can be called as “Immortal Spiritual Beings” in short IS-BEs
What we most people know about soul is when we die i.e our flesh body face extreme functional problem or physical damage, and then the soul leaves this body. In other words, when Soul leaves a body, then only consider as death of a Human being.
Later this Soul search for another mother’s womb to inhabit again a flesh body. This recycle of Our Soul goes on ages to ages in such an unconsciously we forgot every past life (lives) living in darkness. Our constant search for truth never ends. More we try to get into, more mysterious our lives become.

21 Strange Facts about Adolf Hitler

‘Adolf Schicklgruber’ baptized as ‘Adolf Hitler’ by his father was an Austrian-German politician, who was the leader (Fuhrer) of Nazi party, Chancellor of Germany from 1933 to 1945. 
He was born in Braunau Am Inn, Austria on April 20, 1889. He was the 4th of 6 children. His older siblings Gustav, Ida, and Otto died in infancy. His younger brother Edmund would die of the measles in 1900, when Hitler was 11. Only a sister, Paula, would survive to adulthood.
Historians have noted that Hitler had almost hypnotic oratory over large groups and that he used his own personal charisma and an understanding of crowd psychology while public speaking.
Swastika, an ancient symbol adopted by Hitler in his lifetime that most likely represents the Sun wheeling across the sky and has been a symbol of good luck. In some cultures, a Swastika whose arms point to the left rather than the right signals darkness and evil.

15 Odd Facts you must believe about Robert Ripley

An Iconic figure Mr. Robert Ripley [born in Santa Rosa, California], known for creating ‘Ripley’s Believe It or Not!’ which carries odd unusual facts around the world, made its appearance in Newspaper panel series, Radio shows and Television programs.
He is renowned as an American Cartoonist, Explorer, Traveller, Adventurer, Reporter, Anthropologist, Polyglot, Collector and Entrepreneur.
1) First Millionaire Cartoonist who never missed a day in his active 20 years. Early years, he worked as sports cartoonist for Bulletin, Chronicle and the Globe.
2) He would like to start his potential career as a baseball player ended because of an arm injury he sustained while trying out for the major leagues, and so he turned to his other main talent, drawing cartoons.
3) Ripley’s first commercial cartoon sale was to Life magazine in 1908. The drawing featured a young woman pushing laundry through a wringer with the caption “The Village Bell Was Slowly Ringing.” He was paid $8 for the cartoon and the pun.

10 Untold Historical Facts about Ravana – King of Lanka

The name Ravana obtain from the word “Ra”= Sun & “Vana”= Generation as per nationalist Sinhala scholar Arisen. This denotes the root word “RU” = raavayati iti raavanah—one who makes god love by his compassionate actions. It was said that name given by lord Shiva which means “terrifying roar”.
1) The Ten-headed, twenty-armed figure of Ravana as the supreme anti-hero in Indian Mythology portrayed as 10 base emotions of which the great King Mahabali advises Ravana to shun other Nine emotions: Anger; Pride; Jealousy; Happiness; Sadness; Fear; Selfishness; Passion & Ambition. Intellect alone be revered.
2) Ravana born very poor before he captured Lanka, to a Brahmin sage Visrava and women Kaikesi, which she belongs to Asura Tribe called Hethis. 
3) Ravana gained Trikota (Capital of Lanka) without a War on Kubera (God of Wealth). As Kubera’s Soldiers subjected to Food Poisioning during their lunch by Bhadra (the Chef). Bhadra was servant of Asura tribe who disguised as cook before Asura’s attack on Lanka.
4) Sita was daughter of Ravana and Mandodhari before her adoption by king Janaka of Mithila kingdom. This Asura King knews very well and he treated her as Princess of Asura but she rejected.

17 Facts You Might Not Know About Leonardo Da Vinci

The man who painted “Mona Lisa” was the first Renaissance man, Leonardo Da Vinci born in Italy on 23rd April 1452. He was a talented Painter, Scientist, Inventor and Musician.
Leonardo Da Vinci PortraitRenaissance Italians has taken the name of their birth city as part of their full identification. And so, Leonardo by virtue of being born in Vinci was known as Leonardo Da Vinci (Leonardo from Vinci).
1] Illegitimate: Leonardo was the illegitimate (born of unmarried parents) and he later had 17 half-brothers. He was born to a peasant girl of 16 years named Caterina and a 25 year old Ser Piero di Antonio , a notary.
2] Native Land: Although history noted that Leonardo of being born in Vinci, located about 50 kms to the west of Florence, Italy deep in Luscany region.

Mystery of Number 10

The number 10 is a power number, or a Master Number. It’s actually two numbers, 1 and 0; same numbers as the binary system used in computers. The 1 is the phallus and the 0 is the vagina; thus, 1 is male and 0 is female energy. These two numbers can be found everywhere; yin and yang (1 and 0), and on the checker board by combining numbers (for example, on the checkerboard which has 64 squares (black and white; 1 and 0; yin and yang) the number 64 = 6+4 = 10 = 1 and 0), just to mention another example. 1 and 0 are universal and part of what the Universe is built around. Image result for numerology 10
TEN: The number ten relates to completion, wholeness, or speaking about something in its entirety.
In Luke’s Gospel, Yeshua uses the number ten frequently in His parables or when recounting an event. Yeshua spoke of ten coins (chapter 15), ten lepers (chapter 17), ten servants (chapter 19), and ten units of money (chapter 19). 

Height of Foolishness

Mr. Pappu Prasad has just arrived at the Railway platform.  With spectacles hang upon on nose, eyeglass chain at the end of the chords circling around the ears, his lean body, neatly tucked white shirt inside the brown trousers, long hands, a good height, his appearance amused the viewer’s making impression of an innocent chap. He was half an hour earlier to the train going to board at the station.
Related imageBrilliant and smart as he consider himself, he is always proud of progress in his way of living. Bachelor in his 30s, he feels that he has knack of dealing with people. He has regular habit of looking at wrist watch and stretching the pony tie around his neck.
All of a sudden, his eyes locked on Book Store near by him. Book Seller was busy in dealing with visitors, Mr. Pappu’s eyes scrolling on Magazines and Business books like “How to win friends and influential people”, “Think and Grow Rich”, “Getting Things Done”, etc.. He was flipping pages one book after another, completely occupied for 17 minutes. He unnoticed the cast of Booksellers glare upon him in stealing moments.