
Thursday, November 7, 2019

Mystery of Number 10

The number 10 is a power number, or a Master Number. It’s actually two numbers, 1 and 0; same numbers as the binary system used in computers. The 1 is the phallus and the 0 is the vagina; thus, 1 is male and 0 is female energy. These two numbers can be found everywhere; yin and yang (1 and 0), and on the checker board by combining numbers (for example, on the checkerboard which has 64 squares (black and white; 1 and 0; yin and yang) the number 64 = 6+4 = 10 = 1 and 0), just to mention another example. 1 and 0 are universal and part of what the Universe is built around. Image result for numerology 10
TEN: The number ten relates to completion, wholeness, or speaking about something in its entirety.
In Luke’s Gospel, Yeshua uses the number ten frequently in His parables or when recounting an event. Yeshua spoke of ten coins (chapter 15), ten lepers (chapter 17), ten servants (chapter 19), and ten units of money (chapter 19). 

In Matthew’s Gospel, Yeshua refers to ten virgins; while in Mark’s Gospel, ten cities. In all of these passages, Yeshua is utilizing the number ten in a collective manner. In other words, He is speaking about ten in a general manner or as a whole. In the book of Revelation chapters 13 and 17, the number ten appears in reference to ten horns. These ten horns are related to the beast which had also seven heads. These ten horns are ten kings which rule with the beast. Why specifically ten kings? Other than Israel, all the nations of the world are going to serve the beast. Hence, the ten kings represent the world in its entirety or wholeness. In this example, it may be puzzling at first to see why the number seven is used in regard to the beast, as seven relates to holiness or perfection. The solution to this difficulty is found when one remembers that seven also relates to purpose or setting something apart. Hence, the beast is the empire which has as its purpose the exact opposite of the will of G-d, i.e., the beast has been set apart to stand in opposition to the purposes of G-d.
In Hebrew, the word which relates to a pagan temple prostitute is the word that could be translated as a “holy one”. Certainly this one is not holy in our understanding of the word; however in Hebrew, the idea which is being expressed by the use of the Hebrew word for “holy” is that this woman has been set apart (sanctified) for a purpose. Obviously a very unholy purpose; yet in Hebrew the word “holy” does not always convey a good or godly purpose, just a purpose.
The number 0 also represents a portal, or stargate if you will. The vagina in itself is a portal to the spirit realm; this is where the sperm travels, a body is growing and a spirit is entering through the portal of the vagina. Thus, the female energy is very powerful, fertile and life enhancing.

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