Ancient Sacred Texts or Scriptures was written in the form of Stone Tablets or Shastra's which is Manual / Book / Treatise / Grantha's which includes details on everything that is useful to Mankind and also holds many secrets on Earth History.
But who were these people who handed over us the divine knowledge at the time of period where there was not much scientific development.
Are they Messengers of Gods (Anunnaki?) or mere People with good observation and extraordinary IQ? While some scriptures , there were no Authors recognized (E.g: Urantia Book).

1) Akshara Laksha by Valmiki sage
2) Shabda Shastra (Sounds) by Gandhaka sage
3) Shilpa Shastra (Arts and Crafts) by Kashyapa sage
4) Soopa Shastra (Foods) by Sukesa sage
5) Malini Shastra (Flowers) by Rishyasringa sage
6) Dhatu Shastra (Metallurgy) by Asvini Kumara Saha sage
7) Visha Shastra (Poisons) by (Asvini Kumara Saha sage
8) Chitra Karma Shastra (Paintings) by Bhima
9) Malla Shastra (Wrestling) by Malludu
10) Ratna Pariksha (Gems testing) by Vātsyāyana - Indian Philosopher
11) Mahendra Jaala Shastra (Magic) by Veerabahu
12) Artha Shastra (Money) by Veda Vyasa sage
13) Shakti Tantram (5 Elements) by Agastya sage
14) Saudamini Kala (visual effects on shadow and attraction) by Matanga sage
15) Megha Shastra (Clouds & Rains) by Atri sage
16) Ashva Shastra by Agni Varma
17) Gaja Shastra by Lord Kumara Swamy
18) Yantra Shastra by Bharadwaja sage
19) The Book of Enoch written in Aramaic language
20) Nag Hammadi Library -
21) Sumero-Akkadian cuneiform tablets

22) Brahmi Script
23) The Urantia Book is a spiritual, philosophical, and religious book that originated in Chicago some time between 1924 and 1955.
24) The Dead Sea Scrolls (Qumran cave scrolls) are ancient Jewish religious manuscripts found in the Qumran Caves in the Judaean Desert, near Ein Feshkha on the northern shore of the Dead Sea in the West Bank.
25) "Testament of Amram", describes the experience of a person named Amram in which "an angel and a demon" were wrestling over his soul:
26) The Oxyrhynchus Papyri are a group of manuscripts discovered from excavations conducted at the site of Oxyrhynchus by Bernard Grenfell and Arthur Hunt (later Fellows of The Queen’s College, Oxford) in 1896–1907 on behalf of the Egypt Exploration Fund (now Society). The collection comprises thousands of papyrus texts from ancient Oxyrhynchus and other sites in Egypt and is the largest collection of papyri in the world. It includes principally literary, documentary and other texts in Greek, dating from the third century BC to the seventh century AD, but also a few hundred texts each in Egyptian, Latin and Arabic, and a very few in Hebrew and Aramaic, Syriac and Pahlavi.
27) The
Talmud Jmmanuel was discovered in
1963 by “Billy” Eduard Albert Meier of Switzerland, with his friend Isa Rashid,
an ex-Greek Orthodox priest. This work was found in the tomb of Joseph of
Arimathea, south of the old section of Jerusalem. The scrolls are written in Aramaic. They were the documents of Essens.
28) Sangam literature is one of the main sources used for documenting the early history of the ancient Tamil country.
29) Nyaya Sutras by Sage Gautama
30) Vaiseshika system by Sage Kanada
31) Sankya system by Sage Kapila (father of Psychology)
32) Yoga system (Shastra) by Patanjali
33) Purva Mimamsa by Sage Jaimini
34) Uttara Mimamsa (Vedanta) by Sage Veda Vyasa
35) Popol Vuh (Council Book or Mayan Bible) is mythological text and history tells the story of creation according to K'che' (Quiche), one of the Mayans people who inhabits the Guatemala city.
36) Enuma Elish (7 tablets of creation) is the Mesopotamian or Babylonian creation myth. It was recovered by Austen Henry Layard in 1849 (in fragmentary form) in the ruined Library of Ashurbanipal at Nineveh (Mosul, Iraq).
37) The Book of Chilam of Chumayel by Ralph L. Roys was published in 1933. The Books of Chilam Balam are the sacred books of the Maya of Yucatan and were named after their last and greatest prophet. Chilam, or chilan, was his title which means that he was the mouth-piece or interpreter of the gods. Balam means jaguar, but it is also a common family name in Yucatan, so the title of the present work could well be translated as the Book of the Prophet Balam.
Good article
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